News and Updates


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67th AMEU Convention 2021

This year the convention will focus on sustainability of our industry, the evolving needs of our customers, and how leading technologies of our time can support us in that regard. To ensure the widest possible utility attendance the AMEU leadership agreed to offering the convention free of charge to delegates from local government, national government, and state-owned enterprises.

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STSA Enlit Africa Event

STSA Enlit Africa Event


STS & DLMS are both international open standards and their convergence supports the development of smart STS solutions with two-way communications, powerful smart meter functionality, while retaining proven STS standards that will continue to ensure secure and upfront collection of revenue for electricity, water and gas service providers for many years to come.

As with any data type, there is a point when the maximum value will be reached. On 24/11/2024 and any tokens generated after this date will be rejected by the meters as being old tokens. All STS compliant meters are affected by the TID rollover and it is therefore imperative that users of the technology begin to implement a TID Rollover program to ensure business continuity come 24/11/2024.


African Utility Week -

The STS Association (STSA) continues the awareness program for the Token ID (TID) Rollover Event taking place on 24 November 2024

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The Power & Electricity World Africa Built on 23 years of history, and is about innovation, investment and infrastructure – energy for the people!


The virtual event

Key considerations in smart grid and metering communication

African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa may have been postponed to 24-26 November 2020 but due to popular demand for information, expert opinion and connections with peers and customers, AUW 2020 has launched the Virtual Event taking place on 11-15 May 2020